In the Spring of 2023, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) on behalf of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, by appointment of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council asked for the court’s permission to intervene in the case. Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory (Men’s Fire) asked for the court’s permission to intervene in HDI’s motion. Men’s Fire was successful in their request to intervene on HDI’s intervention motion. HDI’s motion to intervene in the case was rejected. This page sets out the documents related to the proposed intervention.

2022-06-10 – HDI Motion Record Volume I (HDI Motion)

2022-06-10 – HDI Motion Record Volume II (HDI Motion)

2022-07-06 – HDI Supplementary Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2022-08-31 – HDI Second Supplementary Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2022-11-02 – Plaintiff Responding Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2022-11-03 – HDI Third Supplementary Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2023-02-06 – HDI Responding Motion Record (Men’s Fire Motion)

2023-02-06 – Plaintiff Supplemental Responding Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2023-02-06 – Men’s Fire Amended Responding Motion Record (Men’s Fire Motion)

2023-02-06 – HDI Reply Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2023-02-08 – HDI Fourth Supplementary Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2023-02-24 – Men’s Fire Supplemental Responding Motion Record

2023-04-06 – HDI Transcript Brief (HDI and Men’s Fire Motions)

2023-04-10 – HDI Fifth Supplementary Motion Record (HDI Motion)

2023 04 10 – Factum of the Moving Party – HDI

2023-04-10 – Factum of the Moving Party – The Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory

2023-04-21 – Plaintiff Transcript Brief (HDI Motion)

2023-05-01 – Factum of Ontario (HDI Motion)

2023-05-01 – Factum of the Attorney General of Canada (HDI Motion)

2023-05-01 – Responding Factum of HDI (Men’s Fire Motion)

2023-05-01 – Responding Factum of the Plaintiff – Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians (HDI Motion)

2023-05-01 – Responding Factum of the Plaintiff – Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians (Men’s Fire Motion)