The Parties


Six Nations of the Grand River Band is the plaintiff in this action.
The Band brought this claim against the federal and provincial Crowns in 1995.


The Attorney General of Canada, on behalf of the Government of Canada is one of the defendants in this action.

The King in Right of Ontario, on behalf of the Government of Ontario is one of the defendants in this action.


The MCFN is an intervenor in this action. In 2023, the court ruled that the MCFN could participate in the action on a limited basis.


This claim was commenced in 1995 against the Federal and Provincial Crowns when Six Nations of the Grand River issued a “Statement of Claim”. Canada and Ontario responded each with a separate “Statement of Defence” and “Cross Claim”. These documents were updated in 2023. At the same time the MCFN entered the proceedings as intervenors issuing a “Statement of Defence”. The Six Nations of the Grand River responded to the Crowns and the MCFN in a “Reply”. Together, these documents are called pleadings. This page sets out all of the current pleadings of the parties.

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Orders & Endorsements

From time to time a party may ask the court to make a decision that affects a procedural step in this case. When the court issues this decision that document may be called an order or endorsement. The Orders and Endorsements page sets out all of the court orders and endorsements issued in this case.

Click here to visit
Orders & Endorsements.

Demands For Particulars

From time to time a party may ask another party to provide additional information about their position in respect of a claim. In this case, from 1995-2000 Ontario, Canada and Six Nations of the Grand River exchanged a number of demands for particulars and answers to those demands. The Demands for Particulars page sets out all of the demands and responses.

Click here to visit
Demand for Particulars.

Case Management Conference Endorsements

Case Management is a system designed to assist in moving matters forward to trial in an effective way, under the guidance of a case management judge. Case Management Meetings generally concern items such as timetables and procedural orders. The Case Management Conference Endorsements page sets out all of the endorsements from the case management meetings.

Click here to visit
Case Management Conference Endorsements.

Motion to Intervene (MCFN)

In the Spring of 2023, the MCFN asked for the court’s permission to intervene in the case. The Court granted the MCFN permission to join the case on a limited basis. This page sets out the documents related to these proposed interventions.

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Motion to Intervene (MCFN).

Motion to Intervene (HDI and Men's Fire)

In the Spring of 2023, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) on behalf of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, by appointment of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council asked for the court’s permission to intervene in the case. Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory (Men’s Fire) asked for the court’s permission to intervene in HDI’s motion. Men’s Fire was successful in their request to intervene on HDI’s intervention motion. HDI’s motion to intervene in the case was rejected. This page sets out the documents related to the proposed intervention.

Click here to visit
Motion to Intervene (HDI and Men’s Fire).